Thursday, April 21, 2011

FEATURE and GIVEAWAY: To Kill A Vampire by Julianna Sage


Q: In TO KILL A VAMPIRE, we are introduced to a completely different kind of vampire. What inspired you to come up with your own take on vampires? What makes them unique from the other vampires in the genre?

My vampires are humans who "share" their bodies with demons, and it is the demon who craves the blood. It is very much a symbiotic. The demon allows the human control, but they share their thoughts and physical sensations. I liked the idea that vampires were redeemable, that a possibility existed that they could return to their human forms.

Q: How has Erik's (the hero) past and experiences shaped him to be the man/vampire that he is?

He's very smart and very passionate about everything in his life. Once he decided to defy the order to kill Angelica, he threw himself into saving her with the same intelligence and commitment that he faced everything in his life...

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